
Cavo Tagoo

The Cavo Tagoo is located in the area by the same name. There are actually very few alternative hotel options in Tagoo, and certainly none in the first-class category of Cavo Tagoo. It is not on a beach, however, so should you prefer a beachfront property consider some of our other suggestions. It is near the center of town and an eight minute drive will take you to bars, restaurants and other charms of the Greek island. The hotel has a fashionable atmosphere and stylish décor, with jaw dropping views throughout its ambiences. The bedrooms and suites are very comfortable, most with sea views, and the furnishings follow the fashionable style of the common areas. Some rooms are very large, others offer hot tubs or even private pools and there are also large villas available. The facilities are excellent and we particularly enjoyed the spa and swimming pools. The concierge is one of the most demanded in town, able to prepare all sorts of programs including boat or helicopter rentals. Please note that the location, outstanding service and excellent facilities come at a price: even though in shoulder months Cavo Tagoo’s rates are in line with other properties of the same category, in high season prices go up considerably. Cavo Tagoo is a very good option for special occasions and will surely be a fine stay!

Tagoo, Mykonos City, 84600, Mykonos.