DDR museum

Forget about the usual way of thinking of a museum, the DDR is an entirely different and captivating experience. Intending to show everyday life in the Socialist era, the museum innovates by bringing an immersive experience of the former East German days. It is divided into areas that depict life “behind the walls”, with descriptions of how people lived, played sports, went to school, took vacation, religious and economic trends of the era, amongst other things. The interactive parts include everyday objects, you can lift telephone receivers and open drawers. Visitors also watch films, play games about the national anthem and political propaganda of those days, simulate car rides, play table football, etc. We were simply captivated, as it represents what daily life would have been like, but manages to translate this tense period into an informative and fun experience, for young and old alike. Before you visit, we recommend you watch “Das Leben der Anderen” (The Lives of Others), for a beautiful and touching account of a period in the life of a couple being watched by a Stazi officer during the East German Socialist regime.

Karl-Liebknecht Strasse 1, Berlin.